You do not need to VLAN anything.
interface eth0/0 outside dhcp
Interface eth0/1 inside
Pick a LAN that will not be the same as used on the Linksys.
Configure LAN DHCP on the ASA.
Connect the linksys' WAN port to the inside port of the ASA
and you're set. Note that you will not be able to distinguish among the various wireless components since the ASA will see all traffic as originating from the WAN IP of the Linksys
public IP -> ASA outside ASA Inside 10.x.x.1 -> Linksys WAN 10.x.x.2 Linksys LAN 192.168.x.1 -> Wireless devices
If you need granular control over the wireless devices, you need to use a Wireless Access Point versus a router. The access point will merely bridge the wireless devices to the ASA's DHCP server.
Control meaning you could setup QoS policy to prefer specific devices versus others.
i.e. define your laptop to have a higher preference than any other devices as well as having the ability to limit bandwidth usage by some devices.