Question : Added mirroring to MS Server 2003 and now problems.

I added two 250 G WD drives to my Dell Poweredge 400SC and had them mirrored (New install) and synced up. Added data back and other programs and when I rebooted I get these two errors:

When I select boot disk "0" I get the error: "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt \system32\notskrnl.exe  Please reonstall a copy of the above file."

When I select boot disk "1" I get the error: "Windows could not start becasue of a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read disk. Check both path and disk hardware. Please check windows documentation about hardware disk configuration and your hardware reference manuals for additional information."

It's taken me hours to get this far and I don't want to start over if I don't have to.

Thanks for any help.

Answer : Added mirroring to MS Server 2003 and now problems.

>>"it now shows both drives at (boot). "
If this is during the BIOS boot sequence and you are using software raid that is normal.
If you are seeing 2 drives in My computer, you have not correctly configured mirroring.
I would not manually edit the boot.ini file for a mirror.

If you are moving files back from a CD or some media, the were saved as read only and there for are copied back as read only. You can change the file attributes of an entire directory using the DOS attrib command
attrib -R    /S  /D
-R  removes read only attribute
/S processes sub-folders
/D processes the folders themselves
attrib  -R  C:\Data  /S  /D

I am off on a service call for a couple of hours.
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