Question : Converting an old Win3.1 Cardfile file

I have a friend who has been using CardFile from Win3.1 days (Why???) and needs to convert the info to Contact database or just into tab delimited to import into another more modern card filer. Is there any converter as he has hundreds of names in several files???

Answer : Converting an old Win3.1 Cardfile file

What you need to do is within the card file, you should be able to select the file save as and choose a format which is windows CSv (or comma delimited file). Once you convert the file, you can then transfer it to outlook by importing the directory. You will also be able to open it in excel.

I had this problem once. You need to view the file which it creates and in outlook you n eed to create the same field names before importing this file. You may have to delete the outlook contacts several times trying to get the field names correct, but once its done, the import will work perfectly.

Good luck.
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