Question : STOP Error codes 0x00000024 & 0x0000007B

Hi all,
We have a number of IBM Lenovo T60 laptops that have the following problem.  After installing windows updates, they restart and we get a BSOD displaying the STOP error code 0x00000024 and/or 0x0000007B.

I've tried to load into the recovery console, yet it tells me windows did not detect any hard disks.

I've tried booting using the Bart PE program and try to run Chkdsk, but it tells me that it cannot detect or use drive C:\

I've tried booting using Knoppix as someone suggested.  Interestingly enough I can see the C:\ Partition and all the files... but it will not give me write access to the partition, therefore none of the tools to fix the problem will run.

I'm really at my wits end here... does anyone know what the problem is?

Many Thanks

Answer : STOP Error codes 0x00000024 & 0x0000007B

You'd either have to get a USB floppy drive (they aren't expensive), or make a new bartpe CD (or I prefer the UBCD4Win) with the driver integrated, or create a slipstreamed XP CD including the drivers, which should then allow a repair install.

(nliteos is a utility you can use to create a slipstreamed XP CD).
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