Question : Exmerge run on Desktop?

I run Exchange 2003 and usually have to run Exmerge for data spills. This requires logging into the server.

Is there a way to run Exmerge from windows XP? When I try and run it, it errors out and says something about the information store. I think it's looking for the store.exe or something and can't find it.

This would greatly help me out because I'm planning on delegating other admins to use Exmerge without logging directly into the Exchange server.


Answer : Exmerge run on Desktop?

For spills, you could always use subject line tracking to find the email, and then open each mailbox and delete the emails.

Spills are still a problem if the email went into a PST or OST (and OST's are sometimes set by default in the profile).

And even after an exmerge, you still have all those PST's to look thru, or you want to verify where the email was found, and I'd be willing to bet money, you could still find remains of the spill if you use the DumpsterAlwaysOn registry key.

... in fact, I have won money on that last one.

Sorry.  I haven't found a way to bluff it.  You could restrict access till the privies are needed.
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