Question : Help with Form Submit String and delimiters

im building a submit program in visual basic. im using MS inet controls 5.0. i need information concerning what the submit string looks like after a user clicks the "submit" button.(ie.../  especialy forms with combo boxes,list boxes,checkboxes, radio buttons. im having problems getting forms with these controls to submit also any info on boolean values would be very helpful  thanks thanks  

Answer : Help with Form Submit String and delimiters

HTML forms have several input tools:
textarea, combo-box, selection...

in general a submit string (using the GET method) will look like this:


hostname+path is the url where the cgi-script is located.
cgi-script is the name of your cgi-script.

the ? sympbol says that the following are variables with their corresponding values. the variables (var1, var2... in my example) are the names of the the input fields in a FORM (see about the syntax of the FORM tag and see: for INPUT for SELECT for TEXTAREA for BUTTON)

in short the data inserted intp a form elements (INPUT/SELECT...) is placed intp a variable as a string. That data is the value in the var=value pair.

Another thing to notice is that space characters in the GET string should be converted to '+'. When you input the string "Have a nice day" into an INPUT field named myString in an HTML form you get the following GET url:

try playing with this. check out the form in the altavista search engine ( - input a query and see how the location bar changes as the form is submitted.

ask more if you have more stuff unclear.

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