//-------------------- actionscript ---------------------------
// ------- read php --------
myData = new LoadVars();
//this is the part where we execute the function that handles the loaded data
placeTheDataIntoTheRightPlace = function(){
resume_name.text = myData.resume_name;
name.text = myData.name;
resume_id.text = myData.resume_id;
address1.text = myData.address1;
address2.text = myData.address2;
state.text = myData.state;
city.text = myData.city;
zip.text = myData.zip;
objective.text = myData.objective;
title.text = myData.title;
description.text = myData.description;
start_month.text = myData.start_month;
start_year.text = myData.start_year;
end_month.text = myData.end_month;
end_year.text = myData.end_year;
company.text = myData.company;
work_state.text = myData.work_state;
work_city.text = myData.work_city;
work_title.text = myData.work_title;
work_description.text = myData.work_description;
degree.text = myData.degree;
field_study.text = myData.field_study;
school.text = myData.school;
grad_year.text = myData.grad_year;
gpa.text = myData.gpa;
school_state.text = myData.school_state;
school_city.text = myData.school_city;
school_description.text = myData.school_description;
coursework.text = myData.coursework;
merits.text = myData.merits;
activities.text = myData.activities;
notes.text = myData.notes;
template.text = myData.template;
myData.onLoad = function(){
placeTheDataIntoTheRightPlace();//call the function
//here we load in the php file, make sure you set the right path to your file
// ---------- if statement to go to frame --------------
if(template.text == "template 3"){
/*myData.onLoad = function(){
var template = template.text;
if(template == "template 3"){
//---------------------------------- PHP -------------------------------