Question : String or binary data would be truncated?
Hi, i am getting no error, but my client is getting this when he is adding a product to the database. i have tried to get this error and can not.
Error Executing Database Query. [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]String or binary data would be truncated.
INSERT INTO products (name, productCode, description, price, retailPrice, salePrice, pageName, metaKeywords, metaDescription, catId, manId, active, featured, description2, idg) VALUES ('#FORM.name#', '#FORM.productCode#', '#FORM.description#', '#FORM.price#', '#FORM.retailPrice#', '#FORM.salePrice#', '#productPageName#','#FORM.metaDescription#', '#FORM.metaKeywords#', '#FORM.catId#', '#FORM.manId#', '#FORM.active#', '#FORM.featured#', '#FORM.description2#', '#FORM.relat#')
INSERT INTO products (name, productCode, description, price, retailPrice, salePrice, pageName, metaKeywords, metaDescription, catId, manId, active, featured, description2, idg) VALUES ('Vitra Espace Wall Hung 1TH Bidet Asymmetrical right hand', '', 'Vitra Espace Wall Hung 1TH Bidet Asymmetrical right hand - Espace - With it''s roots set in the contemporary world, Espace grows with the room you have available. From a look born out of an interplay of opposites which cubic shapes are balanced against soft contour, it is able to mould into the space you have. Not many styles offer such genuine flexibility while adding real architectural value through their design Measurements: 360 x 560mm', '315.36', '438.00', '0.00', 'Vitra-Espace-Wall-Hung-1TH-Bidet-Asymmetrical-right-hand','Vitra Espace Wall Hung 1TH Bidet Asymmetrical right hand - Espace - With it''s roots set in the contemporary world, Espace grows with the room you have available. From a look born out of an interplay ', 'Vitra Espace Wall Hung 1TH Bidet Asymmetrical right hand,Vitra Bathrooms,Vitra Bidet,Vitra Bidets,Vitra Bathroom Furniture,Vitra Bathroom Suites.', '35', '1', 'on', 'off', 'Save AT LEAST 25% Off Manufacturers RRP!!!', '0')
Answer : String or binary data would be truncated?
Hi pigmentarts, One of the values being inserted in to the table, is too big to be stored in the column it's going in to. e.g. if the name column is defined as a VARCHAR(10) for example, "Vitra Espace Wall Hung 1TH Bidet Asymmetrical right hand" is obviously a lot longer than the column allows.
You need to find which column value is the problem by checking the supplied values against the defined column sizes.