Question : computer hijacked
I have had some of my computer hijacked. Like the desktop is an ad for razespware with a flashing danger and my internet homepage keeps referriing to C:\secure32.html even though I keep deleting it the rest of the details on that page look like an elaborate setup to another spyware program. Also I keep getting a message from the menu bar at the bottom of screen (cant remember name) telling me that my computer is infected.
Anyways, can someone help me get rid of them please?
Answer : computer hijacked
Hi portlandnow,
Here's the analyzed log: http://www.hijackthis.de/logfiles/d83a052ad37c7e3944595855f8e299dd.html
In a first look you are infected with:
Dialer.W32.TIBS Spysheriff Puper-E Trojan Spyware.W32.DyFuCA
A - Reboot your computer into Safe Mode
B - Delete the following files and or directories: c:\windows\system32\paytime.exe C:\winstall.exe C:\Documents and Settings\user account\Start Menu\Programs\SpySheriff C:\Documents and Settings\user account\Application Data\Install.dat C:\Program Files\SpySheriff C:\Windows\Desktop.html C:\winstall.exe C:\Program Files\Daily Weather Forecast\ c:\windows\mrjj.exe
D - Reboot and download ewido:
Install the app, update the definitions database and do a scan ... What they find ?
Rpggamergirl, are you there ? Give us a help :)