Question : How can I safely delete extra user profile folders in Documents and Settings?

My T42 ThinkPad crashed and I had to restore the XP Pro operating system and all
my apps.  I didn't do a low level format first, and after restoring I needed some remote
online fixing done by both Microsoft and Symantec.  I now find that I have these multiple folders
in Documents and Settings: Administrator AND Administrator.David; All Users AND All Users.Windows;
David R. Schachter AND David R. Schachter.DAVID.   Also one for Default User.  Log in screen
shows me as David R. Schachter (my name), but running CMD /K SET shows the current user acccount as David R. Schachter.DAVID.  I'm happy with the current configuration - all my apps finally work again! -
so I don't want to upset the apple cart.  What I'd like to wind up with is just Administrator and David R. Schachter.  Is there a safe way to do this?  Thanks in advance for your help.

so I don't want to do anything which would  

Answer : How can I safely delete extra user profile folders in Documents and Settings?

The only way I can think of for you to get your profile folders back to their original name (ie. 'David R. Schachter' instead of 'David R. Schachter.DAVID') would be to create a new account with Admin privs, log into that account, and back up all the contents of your user folders. Copy everything out of the folder 'David R. Schachter.DAVID' onto a different location of the HDD. Delete the David R. Schachter account with remove all files option checked. Recreate the profile name, log in to create folders and verify new folder name is 'David R. Schachter', then log back off. Log back into your temporary Admin account you created and copy all your old stuff into the new folder. You may then log out and log into your David R. Schachter account and everything should be back to normal. The only problem with this is that any specific file or folder permissions or shares may not work. If you have no problem with resetting shares and such, then this should work for you.
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