Question : memberships not being updated

When I add users to the built in "members" group of a site, that membership doesn't get shown in their "My Site" or in "Memberships" web parts. There are a few memberships for my test user which leads me to believe that membership import was working at one point.  
I get no errors in the User Profle Import Logs.  
The "Membership & BDC import status:" says "importing (xxx)" while I'm doing the full import.

After each of the following attempts I've emptied the search index and ran a full crawl and also did a full user profiile import.
I've completely removed* the search index and the whole freaking search service
I've lost track of how many times I've ran a full user profile import.
I've gone to the sites and deleted the members group, then used the "Set up Groups" option to create a band spanking new "Members" group and put my users in there.

I'm totally lost. Is there some magical stsadm -o -PleaseWorkBeforeILoseMyFreakingMind command I can use?


Answer : memberships not being updated

You should select a "Windows SharePoint Services Search" on all your databases -- I do not believe this has anything to do with the problem you are experiencing (I could be wrong).

At this point I am not sure what else to try.  I feel I have a very good understanding on what makes the membership functionality tick in MOSS 2007.  If the index schedule is configured correctly (a full and an incremental, default every 5 mins) and they are completing successfully then membership should work.

It does not sound like any events occurred in your environment that may lead this to fail, i.e. moving the database from one environment to another (unless there is anything else you can think of).

At the end of the day, the membership functionality relies on the following key things:  

1. Profile Import
2. Full Crawl / Incremental Crawl
3. AD accounts in the Members groups (this does not work with AD groups, it has to be the actual user account).

If all that criteria matches and no environment changes occur, there should be no reason it should not fail.  Unless you can give me any additional information about when this stopped working I am afraid I am all out of ideas.
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