Question : catch md5sum output
I am writing a script that when run will ask the user to enter a password. The function will be something like:
function func_somethin() {
read -p "Enter User Password: " DBPASS
echo '${DBPASS}' | md5sum | grab MD5 here and place into variable of ${MD5PASS}
${MD5PASS} will be placed into a SQL query.
The problem I am having is catching the output and placing it into ${MD5PASS}. When I run it from command line I get this output..
[root@centbox trunk]# echo "password" | md5sum
0dc6a4 -
But I only need to grab the MD5. Any help would be great, as always I know I can get the best answers here with the level of knowledge amongst all of the experts. Thanks again
Answer : catch md5sum output
So you will have to issue
MD5PASS=$(echo ${DBPASS} | md5sum | tr -d '-')
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