Question : CommonDialog control in Access 2007  -- problem

I have serveral forms in my application that use the CommonDialog (class: MSComDlg.CommonDialog.1) control.  This had been working fine until recently when i noticed that when I create a  new form with a CommonDialog or export the form to a new application it works on only some of the computers that we have in the office.  When i try to open a form with a dialog on a computer that it does not work on I receive a message box "There is no object in this control." when i open the form.

Any reason why it would work on some but not all of the computers?

When I exported any of these forms to a different version of the application I get a error message, "There was a error loading and Active X control on one of your forms or reports". "Make sure all of the controls that you are using are properly registered.  as before."

Answer : CommonDialog control in Access 2007  -- problem

Use this instead.

Common dialog has version issues and you need a totally controlled and fixed environment to use it successfully.
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