Question : printer

Having to rebuild my hard drive I had to reinstall my
lexmark 1020 it installed with no probs but i get a
message printer is not communicating..please help as I
know nothing..

Answer : printer

either your printer cable is fryed or the logic chip in the printer took a dump. I have the winwriter 150c and have had two replaced for the logic chip problem. They also told me the same thing--that I had no bidirectional capability and the cable was no good.
If you have another cable try it to see if that will get it to work but my best guess is the logic chip.
also if you call lexmark for support they will have you update to 95 service pack 1 so do that if you havent. they will try to blame it on that and act suprised when that isnt the problem.
you can take off the cable and press the on button five times in quick succession to attempt to print a test page (it may not be the same with your printer) and if it doesnt print it is the logic chip for sure.

lexmark support is at 18002539778.
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