Question : Help with Vamsoft's ORF Spam Software

I am in the process of trying to configure Vamsofts ORF Spam software.  For now, all I want to do is enable Greylisting and the Auto Sender Whitelist feature.  These options are enabled under the Tests section.  I also have the server bindings set to the Default SMTP Virtual Server (inbound and outbound).  

I am also running the IMF Spam feature in Exchange 2003 on this box.  Once I set ORF up, I rebooted the server to clear the IMF logs so I could compare apples to apples when it came to the stats between IMF and ORF.  

Since ORF has been configured, the statistics are telling me that Before Arrival it has allowed 68 messages through, ignored 58 messages, and blacklisted 5939 messages.  On Arrival, ORF has allowed 535 messages, ignored 58, and blacklisted 0.  

My IMF statistics are telling me that it has scanned a total of 3898 messages and acted upon 3302 of them with it configured to block messages with an SCL rating of 8 or higher.

How can IMF have scanned a total of 3903 messages, and blocked 3315 of them, when ORF has only let through 719 total messages?  I usually get about 30-40 spam messages in my Junk Email folder each morning.  I set up ORF right before I left for the evening yesterday.  When I came in, I had just over 30 junk emails.  

I believe that I am missing something when it comes to configuring ORF.  From what I have read here on Experts Exchange, using ORF and IMF drastically cut back on the amount of spam people receive.  Right now, it appears ORF isnt doing anything for me.



Answer : Help with Vamsoft's ORF Spam Software

Oh, and this might sound stupid, but did you actually take ORF out of test mode?  (so that it actually drops mail)
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