Question : Google URL restricted by robots.txt

I have  URL's restricted by my robots.txt, one of the urls restricted is

Where as this seems to work but as you can see its a dynamic link and in googles webasters tools I have requested to have it ignore /ignored_by.asp
My question is how can I have it ignore all /ignored_by.asp along with the dynamic contents after the .asp

can I do something like /ignored_by.asp* or is there something else I could do.



Answer : Google URL restricted by robots.txt

Googlebot DOES support wildcards.  

So, you can do something like this for Googlebot:

Disallow: /cgi-bin/somescript.cgi?*

Make sure you make your disallow as specific as possible - because you don't want to potentially do damage to your rankings, of course.  ( I'm sure it's a silly thing to mention -but- after working for 15 years in the industry ... sometimes checking if my LAN cables are plugged in ... is the last thing I do. )

For more info, go here:

Please keep in mind, this is not part of the robots.txt protocol -so- it's non-standard.   Yahoo's bot (slurp) supports wildcards too.  So, even though it's nonstandard, you've got your wishes covered in about 90% of web searches.   I'm sure it'll work great.

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