Question : Is it legal SEO to use a Spry Callapsible Panel for my content?
Is it legal SEO to use a Spry Callapsible Panel for my content? I am new to the Spry components in Dreamweaver CS3 and I have a site that uses heavy Flash but I need to also put html content for search engines. I have created the page in Flash CS3 and then used Dreamweaver's Spry Callapsible Panel for the content so that it is closed and hidden when the page first loads but if they click the spry menu bar is scrolls down to show the text. When I do a view source it shows up fine. Question is, is this legal for search engines, especially Google? If not then does anyone have a better options?
Answer : Is it legal SEO to use a Spry Callapsible Panel for my content?
Hi Webman04,
I think this should be okay for SEO purposes, with one possible issue.
What you are doing in essence is providing an accessible method of accessing your content and the spiders should be okay with the Spry panels. The only thing (and it's a big thing) is that by having Flash and other content, Google *might* think you are cloaking and that will not go well for you.
I would point you to this article:
and this tool:
to get you started on concepts and testing.