Question : WINDOWS FILE PROTECTION - unrecognized file versions

Most of the time (about 75%) when I start up my computer Windows 2000 loads nearly all the way
and then I get an error message. The header is WINDOWS FILE PROTECTION, the message is: Files
that are required for Windows to run properly have been replaced by unrecognized versions. To
maintain system stability, Windows must restore the original version of these files. Insert your
Windows 2000 Professional CD now. Button to click are "retry" "more information" and "cancel".

If I put the CD in as requested, the error message goes away, and the cd starts to autorun. I don't
want to reinstall windows, so I quit and take the cd out. All is fine, but the next time I start windows
the same thing happens again. If I hit "cancel" it says my system might not run properly and do I
really want to cancel. It runs fine if I cancel, but the same error comes up when I restart. If I hit
"more information" it gives me possible reasons: 1) you have inserted the wrong CD, 2) The CD-ROM
drive in your system is not functioning.

My CD-ROM drive is functioning fine. I'm not starting up with a CD in the drive. Windows runs fine.
My only apparent problem is in how to get this annoying pop up error to stop popping up.
It started sometime around the time I upgraded from Norton System Works 2000 to Norton System
 Works 2003, but I wasn't attentive enough to be sure that it was actually caused by that upgrade.

Answer : WINDOWS FILE PROTECTION - unrecognized file versions

I still think it could be a virus.  NAV is NOT foolproof and, in fact, as I mentioned some virus infections DISABLE NAV and others but they continue to appear to be working.  Please don't assume that just because you have NAV that you CANNOT get a virus.

Try running the McAfee "Stinger" program.

I found that is finds many of these things.
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