Question : Need a Ghost script or options for re-imaging from a dvd

Hello Experts,

I have managed to make a bootable DvD that will load my ghost image automatically and start the re-imaging process. My problem that i have come into, is about half way, it will ask to insert another file for my image. I've serached the net and many people are saying to use a scipt file that will automatically point to my spanned images. I have yet to find information on what to put in this text file.

Any help or a sample of the text file would be very helpfull


Answer : Need a Ghost script or options for re-imaging from a dvd

Could you try this one?
mscdex.exe /d:nightowl /l:x /m:16 /v
ghost.exe -clone,mode=pload,scr=cf30.gho:1,dst=1:1
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