Question : What is the best ecommerce software for Frontpage with an exisiting merchant account?
I already have a merchant account and I currently use Paypal to process my online sales. I haven't had much luck getting people to buy from me online, and I have been told that it is because Paypal is a turnoff to some people. I want to add another secure shopping cart to my site, but I don't want to join another processing servicee and pay a moonthly fee. How can I set up my site where I can process orders through my exisiting processor (one of those machines)?
Answer : What is the best ecommerce software for Frontpage with an exisiting merchant account?
Paypal is the best method but you can also try www.moneybookers.com.
I havent used the moneybookers as such and so I dont have the practical experience about it but is planning to use it and so I am sharing the idea with the experts here.
Thanks Shabbir Bhimani