Question : Implementing a Hit Counter on Web Page


I have a personal web page, which is hosted by an ISP. The ISP does not provide any facilities (that I am aware of) for allowing me to put a Hit Counter on my web page, which will provide basic stats; i.e. the amount of visitors (cumulative) to my site. As the site is not an income generating enterprise, I cannot pay too much for this kind of service, nor do I want to place a Hit Counter - which provides an advertising forum via Web Site links - for the provider of the Hit Counter, on my web page.

Is there any way I can do it inexpensively?


Answer : Implementing a Hit Counter on Web Page provides basic stats for free and you can make their small logo which appears on your site appear as a counter which will display the actual count for your site, which you can set to start off at any number that you want to.  You can also choose to have them automatically e-mail you the stats once a week.

also if you want to hide the logos that free statistics companies put on your page you can use

enter webtracking code here

although this is likely to be against most stat company's TOS and could get your account closed if they notice, so make sure before you do it.

Not encouraging it, just showing you that it can be done ;)
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