Question : batch file to rename files and copy files from one server to another.

Is there a batch file out there that I can have to move a file to another server and then copy the file from one server to another? the batch file will have to be giving active directory permissions to access the server. also I like to be able to change the name of the file once once it's moved from the original location.

Answer : batch file to rename files and copy files from one server to another.

Oh yeah. The space is why you're getting that.

My original has the target in quotes. If consistency put quotes on both the source and target.
echo on
copy "C:\batch1\ppt.txt" "C:\batch2\%date:/=-%ppt2.txt"
IF EXIST "C:\batch2\%date:/=-%ppt2.txt" DEL "C:\batch1\ppt.txt"
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