Question : Symantec Veritas NetBackup and Microsoft Cluster

I have a cluster made from 2 Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition and Symantec Veritas NetBackup installed on this 2 nodes.
In cluster administrator Symantec Veritas NetBackup creates 2 resources called PBX-ClusterGroup-node1 and PBX-ClusterGroup-node2. In this 2 resources i have another pbxmscs resources called PBX-node1 and PBX-node2 which have this description Private Branch Extension.
In the last 2 days at every 20 minutes I have an error in Event View which is: Cluster resource 'PBX-node1' in Resource Group 'PBX-ClusterGroup-node1' failed and the same thing for the second node. The source of this error is ClusSVC and category is Failover Mgr  and ID is 1069.
I need some help to solve this error.
Thank you.


Answer : Symantec Veritas NetBackup and Microsoft Cluster

nothing change.
All this start ovear a weekend.
Everyhing else on that cluster is working fine no problems only this resources created by Veritas NetBackup is not working.
Thank you.
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