Question : Domain Admin can't login to a vista computer if locked by a user, why?

In a Server 2003 Enviroment where all workstations have smart cards installed I've noticed I can't log into Vista computers if the user has the workstaion locked. In Win XP i see the "this workstaion in in use and has been locked..." message so i press Ctrl Alt Del and after entering my credentials it forces that user off and lets me log in. Vista however gives me the same message but i can't enter my credientials. It gives me a screen like the login one with boxes for the currently logged on user or smart card. No "other" box like the login screen does where I could enter admin credientials. How can I as admin get it so i can logonto a computer locked by a user without killing power and restarting?

Answer : Domain Admin can't login to a vista computer if locked by a user, why?

I just figured this out but I don't know why its like this. When you first press crtl alt del and get the options for the current user or the smart card you can hit esc a few times and it goes back to a press crtl alt del screen again but this time when you do that you get a new option "switch user" it let's me log in with any other user admin or not. It doesnt let me force the first user to log off but I can access the compter and if needed restart it safely allowng me to clear the user accounts.

This workes fine for me.

Any one have ideas why it does this?
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