Question : Ecommerce database structure
I am building an online gift shop and need help deciding how to relate the shopping cart table to the orders table without alitteration. Customers are not required to log in in order to add items to the shopping baske, but are required to log in or create an account in order to checkout. here is the information:
ORDERS ----------- orderid customerid orderitems subtotal shipmethod shipcosts ordertotal orderdate ordertrackingNo
SHOPPINGCART ------------------ cartid customerid product quantity
Any suggestions on improvement would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Answer : Ecommerce database structure
>> dotinfiniti: I am building an online gift shop Obvious question: Why? There is an enormous number of pre-packaged solutions available to meet most requirements.
If you want to do this properly then I suggest you seek out the services of an experienced database designer. It's impossible for us to know your requirements just based on two lists of attributes.