Question : Missing Outlook 2003 Message-ID header
I've read that there's a problem with Outlook 2003 taking out the Message-ID header in outgoing emails, and that this could make emails appear as spam to some spam filters. I've confirmed this by sending email from my exchange account to my hotmail account to my hotmail account, and it is immediately filtered as junk mail, regardless of subject or body content. is there some fix for this; like a manual insertion of this header by the exchange server, or an outlook group policy setting, or something like that?
also, do i get an Outlook 2003 license with every Exchange 2003 CAL????
Answer : Missing Outlook 2003 Message-ID header
It gets marked based on how high you set your filters. You sending to someone who doesn't have control over their own filters, is not your concern, it's theirs. I can't find any documentation on it, because I'm not buying it. I doubt seriously that Outlook strips the mseeage header, that's totally non-RFC compliant. It would bother me to know that they've waited this long, on their 5th or 6th version of Outlook, to bungle something this large. But since I haven't tested what you're experiencing, tell me what your settings were before you changed them, I'll test it out on my own machine.