Question : Close form with closeDoc method
Running Acrobat v7 I am attempting to use a popup when the form opens to check and see if reader v5 or greater is installed. For testing, I have = to v7 so it runs for me.... I have the popup displaying: YES and NO (1) I want the popup box to goto reader v7 install located on my server and start the update. This works... At the sametime, as it starts the install, I want it to close the form. It does not... (2) if the user selects the "NO", I want the form to close. again, it does not....
I created a Doc level script named "Disclosed" that has "this.disclosed = true;" in it.. (nothing else)
The Doc Level script "ReaderVer" contains the following:
if (app.viewerVersion =7) { var VerTest = app.alert("This application requires Acrobat Reader 7. Would you like to down load it as this time?",2,2) if (VerTest == 4 ) { app.alert("When prompted, select RUN from the menu choices.",3,0); app.launchURL("http://www.agmc.org/hr/hrforms/term/term05/Reader_7x_Update.exe",false); this.CloseDoc() ;
} else if (VerTest == 3 ) { app.alert("User entered NO"); //var d= app.activeDocs; if (this.disclosed) this.CloseDoc() ; }} //=========end script================= What am i missing to force closure of the form... thank you.....
Answer : Close form with closeDoc method
I see, I thought you only wanted to use the getURL method to get some status information from the JavaScript code. Just keep in mind that this will only work if the user has a connection to the Internet. You may want to document the limitations of your document (e.g. requires Reader 7) in the document itself so that somebody who runs into problems and tries to blame you can be referred to the documentation. People never read any documentation, but they like to blame whoever created a document/software package/product, but they get very quiet when you can tell them "Did you read page 17? It exactly describes your problem, and it also offers a workaround." And then you can add something that sounds very polite, but translates to "You ! - Next time, before you waste my time, read the documentation that we deliver with every product!" :-)