Question : ASPX vs HTML and Google Page Ranking

I recently had a user login portal feature with a custom ecommerce shopping cart installed in our web-site. The original page was an html ( and it has a google rating of 4/10. The page that replaced this page is an aspx page ( and it has a google rating of 0/10. The aspx page appears to have the same keywords and stuff, is this something that will improve over time (it has been about 1 month since it was done)? Can anyone explain to me what could have happened so I can correct it. Thank you.

Answer : ASPX vs HTML and Google Page Ranking

"how long do you think it would take for google to adjust?"

They update the toolbar PR ever 3-4 months. According to Matt Cutts from Google, the next update started last Friday: "Roughly every 3-4 months we take a snapshot of PageRank values and export them so that the new values are visible in the Google Toolbar. I believe that another set of PageRanks started going out on Friday. New PageRanks are visible at many data centers, but not at every data center" ( - posted October 1st).

If your new pages were not yet indexed, you will likely miss this round of updates.

Something that is very important to note is what "we take a snapshot of PageRank values and export them" means.  Google's actual measurement of PageRank is quite different than what you see on the toolbar.  Actual PageRank is a score generated by a complex mathematical formula.  It is also not based on the 0-10 score that you see on the toolbar.  When Google updates the toolbar PR, it is a rough and approximate application of the 0-10 scale to generally reflect the actual PR scores.

You asked, "since the google toobar is updated so infrequently, how can I find out how Google is ranking the page now?"  I presume you mean find out what the actual PageRank is.  Well, you can't find out.  Actual PageRank, like so many other factors in Google's algorithms, is a carefully guarded secret for some obvious reasons.  You can read more about how actual PageRank works and its relation to toolbar PR here - "".

My advice to you would be to not focus on PageRank.  Doing so tends to be something of a distraction since it is a notoriously lousy predictor of what is actually important - SERP (search engine results page) position.  This is partially because it is just one of many factors Google considers in determining how to rank pages in the SERPs (and it's a less significant factor than it once was) and because PageRank is a factor that is completely unrelated to keywords.
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