Question : How to read a sharepoint list and write to another list via Powershell?
Just to start off im relatively new to coding so please try to keep things basic for me. I have a project where i need to read data from a sharepoint list, and have that data writen to another sharepoint list. Not to overwrite completely, but to add items on a scheduled basis. I have a simple powershell script i have been using to write static data into a list, but i need to figure out the code involved in reading data from a list, then outputting to my choosing. Can someone provide me with this information or point me in the right direction? Again, all i need is to read from one list and output that data to another. Thanks!
Answer : How to read a sharepoint list and write to another list via Powershell?
use can use a free command-let add on to export and import the list see the following for download and usage details
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