Question : How do I loop thru a MS Access recordset via VB and output an excel spreadsheet after each 40,000th record
I current have a Visual Basic Module within MS Access that I output the results of an MS Acceess table to an MS Excel spreadsheet. My problem is my output is now over 65,000 records so I want to output a spreadsheet after each 40,000 record. Lastly, I am also having an issue in that my leading zeros are being truncated when I output the results from MS Access to MS Excel.
Thank you in advance.
Answer : How do I loop thru a MS Access recordset via VB and output an excel spreadsheet after each 40,000th record
use a variable in the loop. if it is greater than 40000 then open a new spreadsheet. or you can also achieve this by checking the current active cell position in the excel sheet.