Question : Need help understanding how to run a parameterized query
I am receiving the below error when running the below query in Query Analyzer. I am not good at all with SQL and am hoping someone can expalin to me how I can make this snytax correct for use as a paramater query. Actually, I need to take this query and use it in Business Objects to procduce a report, but when it errored out there (in BO), I tried to run it in Query Analyzer... If someone could maybe just explain the first few lines, what they are doing, what the "@" symbol is for etc.,? I hoping to get this to run in Query Analyzer and then get it to work in BO...
Server: Msg 1050, Level 15, State 1, Line 1 This syntax is only allowed for parameterized queries. Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 4 Must declare the scalar variable "@mo". Server: Msg 137, Level 15, State 1, Line 18 Must declare the scalar variable "@mo".
(@mo datetime) AS DECLARE @nextmo datetime SELECT @nextmo = dateadd(m,1,@mo) SELECT claim_completion_date as paid_dt, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'I' THEN claim_count ELSE 0 END) as ind_cnt, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'I' THEN wlp_paid_amt ELSE 0 END) as ind_paid, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'G' THEN claim_count ELSE 0 END) as sg_cnt, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'G' THEN wlp_paid_amt ELSE 0 END) as sg_paid, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'C' THEN claim_count ELSE 0 END) as state_cnt, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'C' THEN wlp_paid_amt ELSE 0 END) as state_paid, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'S' THEN claim_count ELSE 0 END) as sen_cnt, SUM(CASE WHEN t2.mbu_rollup_code = 'S' THEN wlp_paid_amt ELSE 0 END) as sen_paid
FROM mcl_t_lob_paid_summary t1 inner join enr_t_mbu_code t2 on left(t1.lob_code,3) = t2.mbu_code
WHERE claim_completion_date >= @mo and claim_completion_date < @nextmo and t1.source_system = 'S' and substring(lob_code,1,3) NOT IN ('CST','INC','NIN','SRL','NSR','SGC','SGN','NHP') GROUP BY claim_completion_date ORDER BY claim_completion_date
Answer : Need help understanding how to run a parameterized query
1. replace (@mo datetime) by declare @mo datetime in line 1 2. remove the 'as' in line 2 3. insert a line select @mo = '01/25/2007' after the last declare statement
and try again ...
hope this helps ...