Question : SQL Server Blocking
I am looking for your best MSSQL scripts and techniques for troubleshooting query blocking. I am looking for something a little more substantial then "select * from sysprocess where blocked !=0". Please post actual scripts and techniques. I have read all the technet literature and want some case studies for how other people have resolved issues.
Links to good articles would be appreciated also. SQL Server Profiler configurations would be accepted too. I am really looking for good troubleshooting scripts here, I want to develop a "best practices" manual. The person who simply copies and pastes a sophisticated script with some brief notes regarding their experience with it will most likely receive the points.
Thanks in Advance,
Answer : SQL Server Blocking
I configure a job that runs an sp every two minutes (you can do whatever) that checks for blocking. If there is a problem, the sp sends an email with info on the block including the inputbuffer of what caused it. I keep these sps in a resource db called "Admin."
You might think running a job every two minutes will not catch everything, but over time, on a busy environment, you will indeed understand what is causing your problems.
You can also setup an alert type "SQL Server event alert" for severity 016 - Miscellaneous User Errors since blocking/deadlocks are considered user errors. You can have this email you each time a 016 occurs.
CREATE procedure Admin_monitor_deadlock as set nocount on declare @ServerName varchar (20) declare @DeadlockCount int declare @Message varchar (400) declare @Subject varchar (400) declare @Query varchar (800) declare @Spid varchar (10) declare @Recipients varchar (40) declare @SendEMail varchar (3)
select @ServerName = @@servername set @SendEmail = 'NO' set @Message = ''
--enter email address: set @Recipients ='[email protected]'
if not exists (select * from master.dbo.sysmessages where error =60001) exec sp_addmessage 60001, 16, 'User error: blocking or deadlock occurred. ServerName:%s SPID:%s' if exists ( select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_name = 'Admin_blk' ) drop table Admin.dbo.Admin_blk
select spid, blocked, hostname=substring (hostname, 1, 10), progname=substring(program_name, 1, 10), cmd=substring(cmd, 1, 100), status, physical_io, waittype into admin.dbo.Admin_blk from master..sysprocesses (nolock) where blocked != 0 delete from admin.dbo.Admin_blk where blocked in (select spid from admin.dbo.Admin_blk) select @DeadlockCount=count(*) from master..sysprocesses (nolock) where spid in (select blocked from admin.dbo.Admin_blk)
--print @DeadlockCount
if (@DeadlockCount > 0) begin select getdate() select @ServerName=@@servername select @Spid=spid from master..sysprocesses (nolock) where spid in (select blocked from admin.dbo.Admin_blk)
raiserror(60001, 16, 1, @serverName, @spid) with log set @Query =' select Blocking_spid = spid, loginame=substring(loginame,1,10), hostname=substring (hostname, 1, 10), progname=substring(program_name, 1,10), cmd=substring(cmd, 1, 100), status, physical_io, waittype from master..sysprocesses (nolock) where spid in (select blocked from admin.dbo.Admin_blk) ' exec (@Query)
if (@SendEmail = 'YES') begin set @Subject = @ServerName + ': Deadlock ' exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients = @Recipients, @message = @Message, @subject = @Subject, @query = @Query end
set @Query = 'dbcc inputbuffer ('+@Spid+')' exec (@Query)
if (@SendEmail = 'YES') begin
set @Subject = @ServerName+ ': Deadlock Input buffer on ' +@ServerName exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients = @Recipients, @message = @Message, @subject = @Subject, @query = @Query end
set @Query ='exec master..sp_lock' exec (@Query) if @sendEMail ='YES' begin exec master..xp_sendmail @recipients = @Recipients, @message = @Message, @subject = @Subject, @query = @Query set @Subject = @ServerName+': Deadlock Input buffer' end end