Question : Reporting Services 2005 - Currency Format Style for fixed currency symbol

What is the syntex for a format expression to left justify the currency symbol in reporting services?

In excel I would use: _($* #,##0.00_);_($* (#,##0.00);_($* "-"??_);_(@_)

i've tried format(Fields!Amount.Value,"_($*#,##0.00_)")  and of course it didn't like that.

Basically I want my currency detail to look like:
$     123.45
$ 45678.34
$      10.12

In Crystal I would just mark it as fixed :(

Thank you for any assistance

Answer : Reporting Services 2005 - Currency Format Style for fixed currency symbol

I'm not aware of a format in RS that would do this.  As a workaround you could have a column before the field that contains the $, and then just a normal numeric field after it.  e.g.

-- -----------
$      123.45
$  45678.34
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