Question : T-SQL Help Needed - Case Statement Help
I need assistance with the following line of code:
CASE WHEN Cast(PI.EligibilityNotes as varchar(8000)) like '%IHC%' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS [IHC Patient],
Previously, this was ok and working .... then the client came back and added a small twist to it. They mentioned they used "Declined IHC" or "Decline IHC" (ommitting the d) --- thus making this a 'No". So they are using IHC by itself as a 'YES' and a "Declined IHC' or a 'Decline IHC' for a 'NO'.
Can someone lend me a hand here?
My query:
---DECLARE @Zip varchar(40) ---SELECT @Zip = LTRIM(RTRIM('NULL')) + '%'
SELECT PatientID, RespSameAsPatient=isnull(PatientSameAsGuarantor,0), CASE WHEN Cast(PI.EligibilityNotes as varchar(8000)) like '%IHC%' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS [IHC Patient], pi.eligibilitynotes, PatientName=CASE WHEN RTRIM(pp.Last + ' ' + ISNULL(pp.Suffix,'')) <> '' THEN RTRIM(RTRIM(pp.Last + ' ' + ISNULL(pp.Suffix,'')) + ', ' + ISNULL(pp.First,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(pp.Middle,'')) ELSE RTRIM(ISNULL(pp.First,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(pp.Middle,'')) END, CASE WHEN pp.Sex = 'M' THEN 'Male' WHEN pp.Sex = 'F' THEN 'Female' ELSE ISNULL(pp.Sex,'') END AS [Patient Sex], IsNull(ic.Name,'')AS 'Carrier Name', pi.InsuredID, pi.GroupID, ISNULL(Convert(VarChar(20),pi.InsCardEffectiveDate,101),'')AS [PrimaryInsEffDate], ISNULL(Convert(VarChar(20),pi.inscardterminationdate,101),'')AS [PrimaryInsTermDate], ISNULL(pp.MedicalRecordNumber,'') AS [Medical Record #], ISNULL(Convert(VarChar(20),pp.birthdate,101),'') as [Patient DOB], (select top 1 apptstart from appointments a where a.ownerID = pp.PatientProfileID and datediff(day, getDate(), apptstart) < 0 order by apptstart desc) as [Last Appt Date], (select top 1 apptstart from appointments a where a.ownerID = pp.PatientProfileID and datediff(day, getDate(), apptstart) > 0 order by apptstart asc) as [Next Appt Date], ISNULL(pcp.Listname,'') AS PCP, PatientAddr1=pp.Address1, PatientAddr2=pp.Address2, PatientCity=pp.City, PatientState=pp.State, PatientZip=pp.Zip, ISNULL(dbo.formatphone(pp.phone1,1),'') AS [Phone 1 #], ISNULL(pp.Phone1Type,'') AS [Phone 1 Type], ISNULL(dbo.formatphone(pp.Phone2,1),'') AS [Phone 2 #], ISNULL(pp.Phone2Type,'') AS [Phone 2 Type], PatientRespName=CASE WHEN RTRIM(pr.Last + ' ' + ISNULL(pr.Suffix,'')) <> '' THEN RTRIM(RTRIM(pr.Last + ' ' + ISNULL(pr.Suffix,'')) + ', ' + ISNULL(pr.First,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(pr.Middle,'')) ELSE RTRIM(ISNULL(pr.First,'') + ' ' + ISNULL(pr.Middle,'')) END, PatientRespAddr1=pr.Address1, PatientRespAddr2=pr.Address2, PatientRespCity=pr.City, PatientRespState=pr.State, PatientRespZip=pr.Zip, FinancialClass=isnull(ml.Description,'none'), Doctor=df.ListName,Facility=df1.OrgName,Balance=isnull(ppa.PatBalance,0)+isnull(ppa.InsBalance,0) ---pp.DeathDate, ---CASE WHEN ISNULL(pp.Inactive,0) = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS Inactive
FROM PatientProfile pp JOIN PatientProfileAgg ppa ON pp.PatientProfileID = ppa.PatientProfileID LEFT JOIN Guarantor pr ON pp.GuarantorID = pr.GuarantorID LEFT JOIN MedLists ml ON pp.FinancialClassMID = ml.MedListsID LEFT JOIN DoctorFacility df ON pp.DoctorID = df.DoctorFacilityID LEFT JOIN DoctorFacility df1 ON pp.FacilityId = df1.DoctorFacilityID LEFT JOIN DoctorFacility pcp ON pp.PrimaryCareDoctorId = pcp.DoctorFacilityId LEFT JOIN PatientInsurance pi ON pp.PatientProfileID = pi.PatientProfileID AND pi.orderforclaims = 1 LEFT JOIN InsuranceCarriers ic ON pi.InsuranceCarriersID = ic.InsuranceCarriersId
WHERE --Filter on patient ( (NULL IS NOT NULL AND pp.PatientProfileID IN (NULL)) OR (NULL IS NULL) ) AND --Filter on doctor ( (NULL IS NOT NULL AND pp.DoctorID IN (NULL)) OR (NULL IS NULL) ) AND --Filter on doctor ( (NULL IS NOT NULL AND pp.PrimaryCareDoctorID IN (NULL)) OR (NULL IS NULL) ) AND --Filter on insurance carrier ( (NULL IS NOT NULL AND ic.InsuranceCarriersId IN (NULL)) OR (NULL IS NULL) ) AND --Filter on facility ( (NULL IS NOT NULL AND pp.FacilityID IN (NULL)) OR (NULL IS NULL) )
Answer : T-SQL Help Needed - Case Statement Help
CASE WHEN Cast(PI.EligibilityNotes as varchar(8000)) like '%Declined IHC%' THEN 'No' WHEN Cast(PI.EligibilityNotes as varchar(8000)) like '%Decline IHC%' THEN 'No' WHEN Cast(PI.EligibilityNotes as varchar(8000)) like '%IHC%' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS [IHC Patient],