Question : Administrative Utilities are not running on Windows XP Workstation

I have a strange problem with a desktop machine in my network.  None of the admin tools will run.  This includes Computer management, disk defrag, local security policy, etc.  I am logged in as an administrator and have checked the group policy for the machine which does not restrict these functions.   Not sure what the issue could be.  There is no error message, when i click on the icon it goes to an hourglass and then back to pointer.  I cannot run the management snap in either.

Any ideas??

Answer : Administrative Utilities are not running on Windows XP Workstation

The HJT log file looks good . please try the batch file to repair MMC DLLs from my previous post & let us know how it works.

may not work, but its worth trying to open event viewer  to check application & system logs (start>run>eventvwr.msc) , if this didn't work, then try running the command SFC /scannow

Windows XP CD will be needed for this ,you can also try installing ADMINPACK.MSI which is initially aimed at system admins, but has all the needed Snap ins. finally reinstalling SP3 can also help.

hope this helps

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