Question : Run sndvol32.exe (Play Control) from a web page
The setup is a (closed) intranet: Internet Explorer 4+ and Microsoft Windows on all machines.
The ideal scenario is that the website is able to launch sndvol32.exe - Windows' volume control without additional dialogs (possible exception of a security pop-up if this absolutely cannot be avoided).
Any suggestions as how to approach this?
Answer : Run sndvol32.exe (Play Control) from a web page
Make a new project in VB6, name it "vol". Type following code into a class module (name=contr).
Function turnOn() Call Shell("sndvol32.exe", vbNormalFocus) End Function
Compile as ActiveX DLL.Package as "Internet Cab Package"
On your page: CLASSID="CLSID:xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" CODEBASE="http://your.web.site/cabs/vol.CAB#version=1,0,0,0">
function setvolyme(){ volcontr.turnOn }