Question : Migrating date from MySQL to MSSQL run time error issue
Hi, I am trying to migrate data from a table in MySQL to MSSQL. I have been using SSIS Packages in Microsoft Visual Studio to help me do this but i have come across a problem. When pulling the informaion from the MySQL database i get a run time error. This is the code i have been using:
DECLARE @max_time VARCHAR(255), @remote_query VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @max_time = CONVERT(varchar,ISNULL(MAX(dw_timestamp),CAST('1990-01-01' AS DATETIME)),120) FROM [DataWarehouse].[dbo].[CUSTOMER_HISTORY];
SET @remote_query = 'SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER_HISTORY WHERE dw_timestamp>="' + @max_time + '" ORDER BY history_id limit '
DECLARE @record_count INT, @while_counter INT, @limit_start INT, @limit_amount INT
SET @limit_start=0 SET @limit_amount=1000 SET @while_counter=-1
SELECT @record_count=count(*) FROM [DataView].[dbo].[CUSTOMER_HISTORY_TEMP]
WHILE @while_counter<@record_count BEGIN DECLARE @final_query VARCHAR(255) SET @final_query = @remote_query + CAST(@limit_start AS VARCHAR) + ',' + CAST(@limit_amount AS VARCHAR) INSERT INTO [DataView].[dbo].[CUSTOMER_HISTORY_TEMP] EXEC('SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(IBBINTRAISP_LOCAL,''' + @final_query + ''') AS subq'); SET @while_counter=@record_count SELECT @record_count=count(*) FROM [DataView].[dbo].[CUSTOMER_HISTORY_TEMP] SET @limit_start= @limit_start + @limit_amount END END
--This is the Error i am recieveing when i run this: OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IBBINTRAISP_LOCAL" returned message "Requested conversion is not supported.". Msg 7341, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot get the current row value of column "[MSDASQL].history_text" from OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IBBINTRAISP_LOCAL".
Any thought would be appriciated, Thank you.
Answer : Migrating date from MySQL to MSSQL run time error issue
This looks like you have a data casting problem. Certain field datatypes will need special handling. See this page for more info: