Question : Exchange vs. POP3

I have several companies that I support...all of them use our Exchange 2003 server & love it...but, one of them "grew up" using POP3/SMTP connections & they asked to stay that way when I started to support them.  As we have just upgraded to Exchange 2003, I am trying to sell them on using Exchange instead.  Does anyone know of a good website (next to the one that Microsoft has) that shows the pros (and maybe cons) of using Exchange (with Outlook 2003) instead of POP3?  They are being stubborn & need some "prodding".


Answer : Exchange vs. POP3

If they have purchased Exchange and want to use only POP3, then tell them they have just wasted a large amount of money. There is a built in POP3/SMTP server in Windows that they could use instead.

The major selling points for Exchange are OWA, the GAL, shared content (calendars, diaries etc) and the data being stored centrally. It makes backups much easier. Many companies don't use half of the features of Exchange that it can do, and it is only when you get someone in who knows what Exchange does that the product gets used heavily.

OWA usually sells it, along with the calendar and meeting information. Each company is different.

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