Question : Google not indexing homepage
The last time Google indexed our homepage - www.2dplay.com was in July 2005. We are also not coming up on the keyword - "2dplay" on google, although we have 100's of inbound links. We have a blank robots.txt in the root folder. Can anyone help us find out what's causing this to occur? Why is our site not being indexed properly?
Answer : Google not indexing homepage
The problem is in your "robots.txt" file. You have it setup to "exclude" all visiting spiders.
Currently your robots.txt file says:
User-agent: * Disallow: /
The Disallow command you have now tells all visiting spiders "not" to index "any" of your web pages.
Try changing your robots.txt file to something like this, unless of course you want to exclude some directories:
# Robots.txt file created by Mark Bishop # For domain: http://www.2dayplay.com
# All robots will spider the domain User-agent: * Disallow:
You can read more about the robots.txt file here: <http://www.seoconsultants.com/robots-text-file/>
Also to jump start things with Google, do make a sitemap and upload it to Google. You can read more about it here: <https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/protocol.html>
There are other scripts out there to allow you to quickly make a sitemap for Google. Some free, some for a few dollars.
Good Luck!