Question : Message Journaling Exchange 5.5. (Hopefully soon Exchange 2K)
If copies of all mail is sent to one mailbox or one public folder (prefer public folder), won't that be unstable? For example, say I have a 40 gb priv.edb. When I turn journaling on, that means sooner or later the folder designated for journaling will be how big? If I chose to journal to a single mailbox, that mailbox will grow to what... and the limit of the size of a single mailbox is .... I get upset because some of our users exceed 1gb! But as I say, want a single public folder so I can get stuff out of priv.edb (and speed backups, among other things).
Answer : Message Journaling Exchange 5.5. (Hopefully soon Exchange 2K)
Exchange is a single instance storage database. A message sent to multiple users is only stored once and a pointer sent to each mailbox. Archiving won't increase your database, however space won't be freed up as users delete messages as a pointer still exists for the archive mailbox.