Question : randomize filenames

I need a script to read all the image filenames of a directory into an array (jpg files ONLY) and then:

randomize the name of each file.  Requirements:

each file should start off with the same common prefix such as 'mo'.  Following 'mo' should be another 8 random characters (numbers or letters, capital or lower case).  Just in case the same random set of characters (however unlikely it is) is used for more than 1 file, i need to do a check to prevent the same random set of characters is used before changing the filename.  Each file should have the jpg extension.


file 1) mo5yM9QauM.jpg
file 2) moj0NaebV7.jpg
file 3) mohV9kL15c.jpg


Answer : randomize filenames

use MD5;
foreach $file (<*.jpg>) {

for(;;) {
$newname = "mo".(uc substr MD5->hexhash($file.rand()),0,8)."jpg" ;
last unless (-e $newname);
rename $file ,$newname;

implementation of above algo...
hope it was timely.

Random Solutions  
programming4us programming4us