Question : Goldmine RECID Stored Procedure

I am trying figure out how to insert data into a GoldMine SQL Table using stored procedures and the xp_GMNewRecid Extended Stored Procedure in Master DB in MSSQL.

I am still new to Stored Procedures, so I will do my best to describe what I am tyryiing to do. We have another DB that stores some job numbers. We have already created a custom field in GM to house the new Job Numbers, and I know what table that new field is in. What I don't under stand is how to call the xp_GMNewRecid is a way that it will return a new RECID value for each of the Job Numbers I want to insert.

Here are the destination fields


and I am pulling from another SQL DB the Job Numbers and their descriptions (each job number will only have 1 description)

SELECT JobNum, Desc from JC_MASTER...

The FIELDNAME value will be hardcoded as 'OUJOBNUMBEV' and LOOKUPSUPP will be null

and I need to some how assign all the Job Numbers returned a unique RECID from the xp_GMNewRecid Extended Stored Procedure and then instert them into the Loolup Table in Goldmine.

If any one could post some suggestions\point in the direction of information on how to create the procedure, it would be very helpfull. If you need more information from me, please ask.



Answer : Goldmine RECID Stored Procedure

Actually on second read, that was not "one person", but rather FrontRange, here is the link:
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