Question : Help, my query using opendatasource, a where clause and option(robust plan) fails. What am I doing wrong
Hi experts,
I'm trying to retrieve the syscomment records for any given sproc from another server in order to compare it with the one on a second server and update the second one if neccessary. Unfortunately the records in syscomment are pretty much over the maximum allowed length for a record since they contain the query both in varbinary(8000) and nvarchar(4000) format and I need both fields for the update.
Using a query without a where-clause, everything is OK and I get no errors: select number,colid,B.status,ctext,texttype,language,encrypted,compressed,text from opendatasource('sqloledb','data source=meatdev01;integrated security=sspi').dbmeatadres.dbo.sysobjects A inner join opendatasource('sqloledb','data source=meatdev01;integrated security=sspi').dbmeatadres.dbo.syscomments B on A.id = B.id option (robust plan)
But when I add a where clause I get the error "Cannot create a worktable row larger than allowable maximum. Resubmit your query with the ROBUST PLAN hint.": select number,colid,B.status,ctext,texttype,language,encrypted,compressed,text from opendatasource('sqloledb','data source=meatdev01;integrated security=sspi').dbmeatadres.dbo.sysobjects A inner join opendatasource('sqloledb','data source=meatdev01;integrated security=sspi').dbmeatadres.dbo.syscomments B on A.id = B.id where A.name = 'fn_pcre_match' option (robust plan)
What am I doing wrong?
Answer : Help, my query using opendatasource, a where clause and option(robust plan) fails. What am I doing wrong
let me suggest this:
SELECT a.* FROM OPENROWSET('MSDASQL', 'PROVIDER=SLOLEDB;SERVER=meatdev01;DATABASE=dbmeatadres;', 'select number,colid,B.status,ctext,texttype,language,encrypted,compressed,text from dbo.sysobjects A inner join dbo.syscomments B on A.id = B.id and A.name = ''fn_pcre_match'' ') AS a ORDER BY au_lname, au_fname