Question : inittab problem

i installed the red hat 5.0 and modify the inittab for login default on renlevel 5, so at beginning the login prompt will be in x window. then i messed up the x window configuration so when it starts the login screen keeps flinking and i can't input the username and password. i tried to boot from floppy then i can't find the mount point for hard drive(hda4) in fact i can't find mount point for any partition on my HD except the boot floppy and the red hat now i don't know how to access the hard drive. any idea?
it's i486 PC

Answer : inittab problem

you can give the runlevel to the kernel at boot-time, for example if you're booting via LILO,
press alt to get a prompt when lilo prints 'LILO', then do an linux init 2, if your lilo section for linux has the label 'linux' and you want runlevel 2...
if you're booting with loadlin from DOS, append 'single' as option to the loadlin command line... this gets you to single user mode...

other possibility: boot from the diskettes, do 'mkdir mnt1 ; mount /dev/hda4 mnt1 -t ext2', you'll have your root file system in ~/mnt1

have fun!

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