Question : Using CFExecute to Open MS Access
I'm exploring the possibility of my CF App opening an Access database to run a report since most of the reports that are needed are in Access. I found the CFExecute tag and trying to open Access this way:
The macro simply outputs a report to a file but when executed, the file is not found. I've tried different things to see if the macro even runs. For example running an insert query into a table, but that isn't working. The only thing is that MSACCESS.EXE is running as a process.
Any suggestions?
Answer : Using CFExecute to Open MS Access
Found the following for running a Macro using ASP:
This article links to two resources at 4GuysFromRolla, the link below is a must read if you pursue using the office automation objects as not setting the security account correctly will cause system resources to get gobbled up as new instances of Access gets created each time your CF or ASP script gets ran. It also might help out with running the batch version of your code:
Again, the ASP example should be convertable to CF.