Question : Connecting to Oracle from perl.
I read some material on DBI, but I don't think my company has this package installed. I can easily connect to Oracle using sqlplus from Unix, but don't know how to do this from perl. I have a bunch of scripts that can connect to Sybase and I am using the following for Sybase connection:
use Sybase::DBlib; use Sybase::Sybperl;
Is there something similar available for Oracle?
Answer : Connecting to Oracle from perl.
you'd have to install the modules, if you intend to do it through perl... install the DBI and DBD modules for oracle, and you'll be set.
otherwise, if you don't have the ability to install modules, you can just pipe the commands to sqlplus:
@output = split "\n",`sqlplus << END connect user/pwd; select user from dual; END`;