Question : Crystal Reports 11 (XI) training or online tutorial
I was wondering if anyone new of good online courses/tutorials for beginners of Crystal Reports XI? I looked at the Buisness Objects website and they wanted up to $500 for some of their beginner courses ad thats obserd.
Thanks! Jim
Answer : Crystal Reports 11 (XI) training or online tutorial
1) That is an industry standard price and is fairly reasonable. You can purchase Tutorial CDs - the cheapest I've seen are here: http://www.teachucomp.com/tutorcrmain.htm?source=overture
2) There aren't any good online courses/tutorials for Crystal Reports XI. In fact, there are hardly ANY online courses/tutorials at all for Crystal Reports, period.
3) There aren't very many courses for Crystal Reports XI, specifically. It's brand new. Executrain doesn't offer any XI courses and George Peck hasn't released his XI book, yet.
4) I would refer you to George Peck's 'Crystal Reports: The Complete Reference', which is basically the Crystal Reports Bible, but he hasn't released a new version yet (see above). Here's his website: http://www.crystalbook.com/program/misc/umbrella.asp