Question : Multiple records per person in Database

I have an Access database containing student test records.  Every time a student takes takes a test a row is added , showing Student ID, Test Date, Test Name, and a variety of scores.  A student can take the same test multiple times.  For example, one may take the GRE three years in a row, so the database would have three rows for that Student ID, and each row woud have  a different Test Date, different scores, but the same Test Name.  Here is an example of what the data look like (Field names in ALL CAPS):

1234             Smith Joe      7/1/2000    GRE             100                   200
1234             Smith Joe      5/1/2001    GRE             300                   400
1234             Smith Joe      3/1/2002    GRE             500                   700
9898             Rich Mary      7/1/2000    GRE             350                   410

My task is to do a year-to-year comparison for each student who has taken the GRE more than once.  So, if Joe took the GRE in 2000 and 2001, he would be part of the analysis.  If Mary took the GRE only in 2000, she gets excluded from the analysis b/c a year-to-year comparison would not be possible with only one year of scores for Mary.
My question is:  How can I set up a simple query to determine who gets included in the analysis, based on the criteria that in order to be part of the analysis they need to have taken the test more than once?  Looking at Test Date for each Student seems like the logical start, but I am not sure how to set up the query.  Would appreiate your help.

Answer : Multiple records per person in Database

The easiest way would be to run the "Find Duplicates Query Wizard" (Insert > *Query).  You would look for duplicate values on your "TESTNAME" and "STUDENTID" fields.  This means there would have to be duplicates for both in order to show up.  If you only need the last two years, on your date field you could add this line for the criteria..

Between #1/1/2000# and #12/31/2001#

This should do you up fine.  /Atropa
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