Question : How do I hire someone to install iFolder for me?

I started with no knowledge of OpenSUSE 10.3, but I was able to learn enough Linux commands to set up a raid, install programs from the repository, and install some Linux RPM's.   However, there is incomplete documentation for iFolder, and no real help available from the web.

I give up.

How do I find someone who could set it up for me with a VNC connection?



Answer : How do I hire someone to install iFolder for me?

>  I was able to learn enough Linux commands to set up a raid

Will it be  a hardware or software raid?

> However, there is incomplete documentation for iFolder, and no real help available from the web.

Really there are some docs about iFolder:
and how to install it.

From what I've read, there are different configurations possible (say with LDAP or without it).
Quite obsolete, but usefull docs can be found on novell site:
That's about 2.1 version, but 3.6 is the latest, but the concepts are the same.

I may lead you through installation and configuration process, but currently I have not much time to do it. What is a time slice to configure your server, what is a deadline, what are requirements (I mean a full list)? I'll have a business trip next week, but you may email me if you like. My email is mentioned at the end of my profile.

Tha bad thing about iFolder is that some tools are written in C# even for Unix (they use 'mono' package). I never worked with 'mono' and C#.

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