Question : Find all the printers installed on all the machines in the file
I need to find all the printers installed in a remote machine.All the machine names are in a file.The default printer has to be mentioned in the results.
Regards Sharath
Answer : Find all the printers installed on all the machines in the file
:: =============== :: READ THIS FIRST :: =============== :: * This script require "Computers.txt" file on C: drive root from where it will read computer names. :: * Successful run will generate "PrintersReport.txt" file on C: drive root :: * Copy and paste following script in notepad and save it with any name having .cmd extension.
:: *** SCRIPT START *** @Echo Off SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
IF NOT EXIST C:\Computers.txt Goto ShowErr FOR %%R IN (C:\Computers.txt) Do IF %%~zR EQU 0 Goto ShowErr IF EXIST C:\PrintersReport.txt DEL /F /Q C:\PrintersReport.txt
FOR /F "delims=*" %%c IN ('Type C:\Computers.txt') Do ( Echo Processing: %%c Echo ------------------------------------->>C:\PrintersReport.txt Echo Printers installed on %%c: >>C:\PrintersReport.txt Echo ------------------------------------->>C:\PrintersReport.txt SET Qry=WMIC /Node:"%%c" Printer WHERE "Default=True" GET NAME /Value ^| FIND /I "Name=" FOR /F "Delims== Tokens=2" %%p IN ('!Qry!') Do (SET DPrinter=%%p) SET Qry=WMIC /Node:"%%c" Printer GET NAME /Value ^| FIND /I "Name=" FOR /F "Delims== Tokens=2" %%p IN ('!Qry!') Do ( IF "!DPrinter!"=="%%p" ( Echo %%p ^(Default^)>>C:\PrintersReport.txt) ELSE ( Echo %%p >>C:\PrintersReport.txt) ) ) Goto EndScript :ShowErr Echo "C:\Computers.txt" file does not exist or file is empty! :EndScript ENDLOCAL :: Batch Script End